Thursday, January 28, 2010


It sounds like we may be getting a little snow storm starting tomorrow evening. We are somewhat prepared although Robert is going to make a grocery run in the morning to get some last minute necessities. We are so excited and hope to get enough to play and sleigh in!! I have all of the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies and chili tomorrow night. YUMMY! We've been talking about the snow ever since I got home from work this afternoon and Abigail definitely sensed the excitement in the air. I can't wait to make snow angels with her!

Into the Wild, the movie based on the book by Jon Krakauer is just coming on and I love the beginning of this movie. Christopher McCandless is venturing through the Alaskan mountains and it is just beautiful. I also love the Pearl Jam song, I'm not sure the name of it but it's the perfect fit for this scene.

Okay, so back to the snow. I'm going in the attic in a bit to get all of my snow gear down, ski pants, gloves, stocking hat, scarves, etc....LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another week ahead

We had a great weekend! Yesterday we kept my nephew Landon for a few hours while my parents went out to dinner. Landon will be 5yrs. in a few weeks so Abigail just loves following him around. I am amazed at all of the different words she is trying to say since last night. She always seems to grow overnight after spending time with her cousins. It's really amazing to me. Last night Robert and I watched a movie, All about Steve, I wouldn't recommend it.

Tomorrow night I'm attending my first Chamber of Commerce meeting with my boss. There's going to be a guest speaker from a publishing company, should be interesting. Well, I have a lot to do before bedtime. GOOD NIGHT! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ice cream sandwich

Abigail had me in tears tonight, doubling over in laughter. The past few nights she and Robert have shared an ice cream sandwich. So tonight they were on the couch enjoying their treat and I was laying across the room by the fire. Robert told her to take the sandwich to me so I could have a bite. Well she stood up, walked over to me and gave me a bite, while she was holding it mind you. She definitely wasn't giving this one up! She then sat down next to me and ate the rest of the ice cream sandwich. Robert and I were both laughing so hard we couldn't stop her. As I was trying to say between laughter to take it to daddy, she would chomp another big bite. It was hilarious!!! :) She is talking up a time these days too. After dinner tonight I said okay, it's bath time...she said "bath" just as plain as day. Prior to tonight she's always called it "BA"! She is also answering questions with yes, I have yet to hear a no, for that she just nods her head. There is something new everyday, just another joy of motherhood! Happy tomorrow is Friday!! :) Nighty night!

Monday, January 18, 2010


I can't believe it's time to go back to work already. The weekends always fly by!! We had a great time this weekend. Saturday I got my hair hightlighted and then Robert, Abigail and I went to Gloucester and ate at Ruby Tuesday. When we got home we walked over to Michael's and visited with Tasha (Michael's girlfriend), Curt, and Jermey. Sunday we went to church and then to Richmond to have Abigail's pictures taken. They turned out adorable. Today we cleaned and took dinner to Roland and Leslie (friends who just had a baby). The Bachelor is on so I'm going to watch that now. Good night!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Since I was little I have always loved Fridays! Even in school I loved knowing that a few days of pure fun lies ahead! Fridays in my eyes have not changed, I still get just as excited about them today as I did twenty years ago. I SIMPLY LOVE THEM!!!

Abigail and I had a fun evening! I think Robert was a bit apprehensive about leaving us, we really have not spent much time apart in the last year and a half. He sat down with us at the dinner table before leaving. Anyway, Abby and I did bath and then played in her room. We usually read quite a few books before bedtime but tonight she decided to take all of her stuffed animals out their basket and get in it. She got one little stuffed bear and sat it in her lap and was reading to her bear like I have read to her for the past 17 months. I sat in the rocker watching her and realized she's growing up so quickly. It also made me realize children really do learn from our actions. It was really neat to see but I must admit it tugged at my heartstrings. She is such a little doll! She is now snoozing away while I have alittle me time. That's another thing, I have always loved some time to myself, it's so good for the soul.

I'm going to close for now and get some rest for our busy weekend. Nighty night!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday night thoughts

I've been contemplating starting a blog for the past few weeks now and I finally decided today that I definitely want to do this. I am so excited to document our life and my biggest hope is that Abigail will have something to look back on in the years to come. She is the center of our world and keeps us very busy these days. I want her to know what an amazing little person I think she is even if she is only 17 months old. :)

Robert has off on Monday so he has a four day weekend. :) Tomorrow night he is going to Norfolk to help Bill celebrate his 30th birthday!! FUN! Abigail and I are spending our Friday night at home!! Well it's getting late and I have a few things to do before bedtime so I'm going now. Have a great night!