Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tucker Allen Armstrong

Dear Tucker,

From the day you were born I fell in love with you. Watching you grow and change has been a true joy. You were pretty stubborn from the beginning, Robert and I sat with your Mimi and Pops for many many hours the night before you were born. You took your sweet time and decided to enter this world the following morning. I'll never forget the excitement in your daddy's voice as he told me your weight, length, eye color, etc... I cried tears of joy for your mama and daddy that morning. I remember holding you for the first time, you were such a beautiful baby.

As you grew into a toddler your blonde curls brought out your pretty blue eyes. And that sweet smile, I will never forget it, it would light up a room. I loved hearing funny stories about you from your mommy, you always said the funniest things. I loved that you would only eat hotdogs that were cooked on the grill, you loved cupcakes and icing, and you loved ice cream from the ice cream truck. I called your mama a few months ago to chat one night and you answered the phone, we talked for at least 10 minutes, you were a child wise beyond your years. You called me on my birthday last year and it made my day, I will savor that memory FOREVER. Apparently you were me a few Sundays ago, you kept telling your mama to call you Rhonda. You said"Mama, ask me how my dinner was but say how was your dinner Rhonda", that will forever make me laugh even though it's making me cry tonight. You will be missed so very badly but your legacy will carry on. You were on this earth for 3 short years but you captured the hearts of so many people and I promise you precious Tucker, you will never be forgotten. I know that you will watch out for you mommy, daddy and sister from above, you will forever be their guardian angel. Godspeed sweet boy.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

William Brody Hudgins

Congratulations to my brother Ron and Lauren on their beautiful baby boy. He was born this morning weighing 7lbs. 8oz., 20 in. long and a head full of blond hair and pretty blue eyes. We enjoyed spending time with them this afternoon and I loved holding a baby again, sweet sweet Brody~

Abby did not like me holding Brody, every time he was in my arms she would come over and sit next to me or take my hand as if to say, come with me mama. At one point her little eyes welled up with tears and her bottom lip was quivering, that broke my heart. As it was approaching dinner time Abby was getting hungry so I gave her a cracker to hold her over and she walked over to Brody and was trying to give him a bite, she is so sweet and it made us all chuckle. : )

A new life, what a wonderful gift and blessing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Road trip gal

This little girl is the traveling type which she gets honestly from her mama. I've always been up for a road trip, I love to travel. Abby left at 9a.m. this morning with Mom & Di and rode 4 hours to Lynchburg, VA to see Layla in her school play. Mom & Di said she never shed a tear and never once got "antsy" in her car seat. I am totally impressed!! She loved the play and apparently was a little ham throughout it because the woman sitting next to them said she enjoyed watching Abigail more than she did the play. She is fun to watch!! :) Abby truly adores Layla and was so excited to see her today.

Robert and I enjoyed a quiet dinner together and afterwards I laid on the couch to watch the evening news and caught a cat nap. That was so wonderful and never happens. Once Abby got home it was right back to our routine, bath, books, milk and rocking. There is nothing I enjoy any more than rocking my baby girl as she wraps her arms around me and tucks her head upon my chest.
And now it's lights out for everyone! Nighty night :)

This picture I took at Port Fun when Layla was visiting us a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm dedicating this post to Tucker Armstrong (3 yrs. old) who will be admitted to the hospital on Friday morning for a stem cell transplant. I am asking that you please say a prayer for him everyday at 3:00 for the next few weeks. He will be in the hospital for the next 3-5 weeks with his mom and dad by his side. We had a prayer service at church tonight for his family and Pastor Bill asked for this prayer request so I want it to reach as many people as possible.

For those of you who do not know Tucker you may know his mother Leslie. I have known Leslie all of my life and she was the matron of honor in my wedding and is one of my very best friends. Tucker was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor of the kidney last April, he did 6 months of chemo to then find it had spread to his lungs. He then started an intense regiment of chemo and now he will be enduring a stem cell transplant. He is an amazing little boy with a smile that will melt your heart in a split second, please keep him and his family in your thoughts & prayers. His caring bridge page is

Monday, April 12, 2010

sunshine & smiles

You said "caboose" tonight plain as day, it's in one of your songs on your cd. You also grabbed Dada's hand while he was chopping carrots in the kitchen and said "dance"....pulling him towards the living had been dancing by yourself and I guess you got bored. I was folding all of the clothes you pulled out of your drawers earlier today. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dear Abby!

My two favorite people!

Yesterday Dada ran a 5 mile race at William's Wharf, he did fantastic coming in 2nd place in his age group, (good job Robert!) It was a perfect day for it, in the 60's and the East River was as smooth as glass. The Gloucester-Mathews Humane's Society was there with many of their cats and dogs that are up for adoption. You loved going over and looking at the kitty's, sorry precious girl, no cat for us :(. So anyway, we just looked, and looked again and again. You couldn't get enough of the furry little friends.

Today we went to church, it was my Sunday to keep the nursery so dada stayed in there with us. You cried when we first got into the room because you thought we were leaving, eventually you got yourself together and we had a fun morning. After church Grandaddy came over and helped dada expand the raised beds for our garden and they also attached your flower box to the playhouse. Very cute! Dada, Grandaddy and I chatted over subs for lunch while you were napping. I snapped a few shots of you while playing outside today. I love you AJR! :)


P.S. You sat in my lap while we watched Phil Mickelson make the last shot of the Master's this evening, I cried because he has always been my favorite golfer and also because of what he and his wife have been through this past year. This was his 3rd Master win!
P.P.S. We ran around chasing each other tonight, in the middle of the chase you fell and bumped your head and started crying. But before I could even feel for a goose egg you were already up and running so that I would chase you some more. You ran to the couch and climbed up on it, you were giggling so hard you could hardly breathe! XOXO

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Can I just say that physical therapy has a whole new meaning to me! I've never had an injury of any sort so this has been a brand new experience. I've always heard the saying mind over matter which I have applied to many other circumstances throughout my life but I had no idea it could be used when helping torn ligaments mend back together! I can't believe how your mind can play such an important role in this. Just when I thought I could not bend my knee any further because the pain was too excruciating, Martha reminds me to relax and there goes the knee, further than before. I have come leaps and bounds in just three weeks. My first day of PT I measured at 82 degrees of flexion which is how far my knee would bend, today I was at 112 degrees. Stretching and doing the exercises they gave me has played a key part in my healing. Not to mention the two phenomenal physical therapists that have aided me in my recovery. They have gone above and beyond and have been persistent in every way. It takes a special person to do what they do and I will forever be indebted to them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Busy little bee!

We've had a busy couple of days here! Easter was a wonderfully beautiful day. Abigail had a grand time hunting for eggs at church and at my grandparent's. We had Easter lunch at Mom & I.T.'s and it was delicious, she is such a great cook! It was nice being with our family and Abigail loved being with her cousin's Layla & Landon! We then ventured over to Jerry's and had dessert with he and Elizabeth.

Yesterday Abigail and I cleaned her playhouse, we scrubbed the floor so that now it is spic and span! We also watered our flowers that Grandaddy Jerry gave Abby for Easter. He made her a window box all equipped with flowers and potting soil. We can't wait for he and Dada to attatch it this weekend.
Today Abby and Layla went to the Living Museum with Aunt Di and Stacie. They had a fun day and had even more fun playing this afternoon once they got home . We were going to have a slumber party tonight but Layla decided to go back to Mimi & Pops' for the night and will come back in the morning. We're going to Port Fun in the morning and then meeting Mimi for lunch!!
We want to give a shout out to Tucker who will hopefully be doing a stem cell collection on Thursday. We love you and are praying for you precious boy. Keep smiling! XOXO

Thursday, April 1, 2010

outdoorsman ~abby style~

That's what we have on our hands, a little girl that loves to EXPLORE the land. Yesterday morning we spent two hours outside walking around, sitting under trees, and splashing in water. We were literally covered in mud from head to toe! We also cleaned the floor of our playhouse, served pretend snowcones from the window and decided that we need to put the bench outside of the serving window for all of our customer's that I'm sure we'll be having throughout the spring and summer. :) After nap time we went out again, but this time we had dada with us, we blew bubbles and played fetch with Clipper....and then it was dinner time!

Mama and Abby did it all over again today! This is a real indicator of what our spring and summer will be like and I can't wait for each new day!

Happy Easter! Xoxo