Sunday, January 30, 2011

Personality plus

Abigail is 2 1/2 and continues to grow full of personality everyday. Her vocabulary amazes me and some of the things she comes out with astonishes me. She's clearly a little genius! Doesn't every parent say that, but seriously she's brilliant! It tickles me when she uses the words "actually" and "probably!" She continues to do great with potty training and usually loves sitting on the toilet!

She spent yesterday with Grandaddy while Robert and I went car shopping. The Passat is no longer running so we have no choice other than to get a new car. Oh shucks! I am secretly so EXCITED!!!! :) Is it ever the right time to make a big purchase?! Abigail and Grandaddy played on her swing set, took her toy boat down to the water, they had hotdogs for lunch and colored the evening away. It sounded like they had a fun day together.

After bath time tonight!

Congratulations to our good friends Mer, Chris & Nick on the birth of precious baby Jack! He is adorable and we could not be more for happy for them.

G'night! xoxo

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Potty time

One of my new years resolution's was to blog everyday, or atleast every other day but so far I'm not fairing too well! Last week was a great week. It started off by a little post holiday reunion with some of my favorite ladies. Les, Jen, Mer and I met for dinner at Bonefish in Williamsburg. As always we laughed the night away and closed the restaurant down, we were the LAST one's to leave. Wednesday we started potty training Abigail and she is doing fantastic, I could not be more proud of her. I was really hoping that when we did it things would just click and she would "get it" and sure enough that seems to be the case. Friday afternoon I came home from work and got in with Robert and Abby and we headed to the NEW Chick-Fil-A that recently opened in Gloucester. It was delicious as always and Abigail loved playing in the play area. Yesterday we went to John Stephen's birthday party and Abigail had a ball. John Stehpen's dad took all of the children for a ride in a firetruck and Abigail is still talking about it. What a memorable day!Today we went to church and I taught my sunday school class. Our lesson was on the book of Hosea, I must say I was alittle nervous at first but after a few minutes I was very comfortable. I learned alot but my biggest hope is that everyone in my class took something from today. I love my church and am looking very forward to serving on the board of director's for the next three year's.

Mer opening a precious outfit for Baby Jack!

Abigail watching Toy Story 2!

We were dancing tonight before bedtime and Abigail totally reminded me of the Village People!! :)YMCA!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ready to play!

This morning Abby went down the road to a friend's house to play. I walked her down to their house and on my walk back I couldn't help but have a heavy heart. She seems so grown up these days, no more crying for me when I leave her in the nursery at church and not one tear today when I said good bye. She smiled and walked into Lauren's bedroom saying "bye bye Mommy." I know these are sure signs of good development and growth but also the realization that my baby is growing up. She seems very self assured and confident at her ripe little age of 2 1/2 and one of my biggest prayers is that she always stays this way. She was very happy to see me when I picked her up but not nearly as happy as I was to see her.

I love this sweater on her, Robert's mother's college roommate Lynn knitted this for Abigail when she was born and we treasure it. I will be sad when the day comes that she outgrows it but one day perhaps we will have another child and if it's a girl she can wear it. I've also thought about preserving it in the way of framing it.
Have a great one!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Country Strong

I love Gwyneth Paltrow, there is just something about the way she acts that I just adore not to mention she's drop dead gorgeous. There were scenes that gave me chills and a few that made me cry. If you read my blog you know that I love music and that it moves me like nothing else does. I definitely give it two thumbs up!

Robert and I went to the movies saturday night. We got popcorn, cherry coke and I bought my goobers from WAWA on the way to the theater. They were $1.50 at WAWA and $4.00 at the theater, 4 bucks for a box of chocolate covered peanuts is ridiculous!! We had a really fun night!!

Abigail and Maggie hit it off great! I think they will have a fantastic time together when she comes over for a night of babysitting. : )

G'night. xoxo

Friday, January 14, 2011

our first "babysitter"

We have a sweet young girl named Maggie coming over to meet Abigail tomorrow after lunch. Up until this point of Abigail's life we have had nothing but family babysit her while we work and go out on date's. Which the latter of the two is almost non-existant. I can count on one hand the number of times we've gone out on a date since Abigail was born. But that's beside the point and one of the main reasons Miss Maggie is coming to become acquainted with our daughter. I know they will hit it off just fine. I have known the Scribe girls since they were children and they are all such sweet girls. Maggie is a senior in high school so she will be going off to college next year. There is one more Scribe left in school, Allison, who is a freshmen in high school so hopefully she will fill in for her older sister if need be!


Monday, January 10, 2011


Out of respect for my family I am not going to post about today's happenings. I will say we are at peace with all the decisions that were made and I am more than blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. Thank you for your prayers as they were felt all throughout the day. I got to see my brother and he looked amazing, better than he has looked in 15 years. I pray that he realizes God's plan for him and utilizes all the tools he's given to make his life the best it can be. I have to say my mother is the most amazing woman I have ever known, she is a fighter and a fighter with dignity and grace. She is the STRONGEST woman I have ever known and I am so blessed to be her daughter. My dad is a very strong man as well and I am amazed daily by his strength.

On a lighter note, Friday night Abigail had a slumber "lumber" party as she calls it with her cousins Landon and Layla. They had so much fun together, we had a Anna's pizza, they played hide and seek, made chocolate sundae's with sprinkles and watched Toy Story. This picture is from Saturday morning, we had a few snow showers so they played outside for awhile.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Broken but Open

I'm finally ready to address 2010... Last year my best friend lost the love of her life to cancer, her precious little boy, my heart cries at every thought of him. But it aches when I think of her and her husband. I almost lost my little brother and I'm not sure when I will ever over come that day. My oldest brother is away for awhile, I will attend his hearing next Monday with my family and my mother will testify. I ask for you to join me in prayer for peace and strength for she and my dad. It will be a tough day. As I move forward into a new year I feel revived with the idea of newness, a new life of healing and seeking. I pray my faith will grow stronger as well as my family's.

I know what loss can do t0 your soul, it can leave you feeling broken. I continue to put one foot in front of the other and pray, pray some more and then pray again.

So, here's to a new year....let's make it the best one yet. Love to all of my little blogging friends!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Robert and I hosted a party for our closest friends, missed those of you who were not able to come.

Allie, Carla (Liam), and Catelyn

Abigail did not go too far w/out her new mop and gloves on Christmas day. She's really going to be able to help mommy clean now! :) It was just starting to snow as we were leaving Mom & I.T.'s.

Lindsay, Brandon & Daddy. They were looking at the calendar I made for Mom & I.T.

My grandparent's and Abigail (Mom & I.T.) We spent Christmas Day at their house with the rest of the Turpin family and as ALWAYS it was perfect!

Abigail loves her new rocking horse. Thanks KK!

Santa left this wonderful kitchen set for Abigail.

And plenty more surprises as well! Notice the precious outfits hanging, I'm itching to get the blue and white gingham bubble monogrammed!

Christmas Eve at Mama & Daddy's. Landon, Abigail and Michael Alexander loved Santa!

Stace and MA! He loves his mama!

Christmas Eve dinner.

Robert, my Bro and Mama!

Margaret & Thomas!

Christmas w/ the Ramsey's the Sunday before Christmas at Aunt Kathy & Uncle Bill's.

Fast forward, I took this earlier today before she and Robert went to Jerry's to see Uncle Dave who is visiting from Florida. XOXO

Thank goodness it was raining today because a certain little someone would NOT take her new raincoat off! :)