Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flu buggie

We had a fun weekend planned but all of it came to a screeching halt Friday night at 1a.m. Abigail woke up with a bad case of the "throw-ups" which meant Robert and I were up for the rest of the night. We gave her a bath, did laundry, and even let her lay in bed with us for awhile and watch cartoons. We decided it was best to skip swim class on Saturday morning so instead we made tents, read books and played house. Last night at 10:00 I started with the flu and Robert followed an hour later. It was a longggg night in the Ramsey household, thank goodness for two bathrooms is all I've got to say! My parents came over early this morning and took Abby to their house while Robert and I got some rest. We finally ate some soup tonight and so far so good! :) My new favorite cleaning supplies are Clorox wipes and bleach spray, I hope they'll keep the germies away. I think we're on the mend! Good night.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Abby loves....

  • Saturday morning swim class
  • Saying her name - AAABY or ABIAIL (no G's yet) :)
  • Hanging out with Nick, they are just too cute together
  • Having dinner with Popz last night, she LOVES HIM so much (Mimi was at the beach)
  • The nursery at church with her mama in there with her (I tried sneaking out today but was called out of preaching after five minutes)
  • Helping her mama clean
  • Grapes
  • Strolling her baby and feeding her grapes and milk
  • Watching the video I made of her first 6 mo. of life (she cries EVERY TIME we watch it, it's unreal, as do I) I think she thinks Robert & I are holding another baby although finally today after watching it twice she was pointing to herself on the T.V. and saying Abby, I think she's starting to make the connection
  • Dipping her face in the bath water just enough to get a few bubbles around her chin and then says HO HO HO
  • Climbing the attic stairs
  • Reading
  • Barney & Sesame Street
  • Robert and my bedroom and especially my closet
  • Her Dada, she LIGHTS up whenever he enters the room

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Dear Abby,

Our day started very early, a little too early since you were out on the town last night at Ms. Jeanette's and didn't go to bed until 9:00. Dada and I hardly knew what to do with ourselves since you had already left when we got home from work. You woke up happy this morning and ready for the day. We visited a friend who recently had surgery, Mimi went with us so at least she was able to visit while I chased you around their house. We ran by the post office before heading home for lunch and you DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE. You screamed and kicked as I put you in your car seat. Was the P.O. that exciting? Was it seeing Blue Monster and talking to him? Was it having the local attorney tell you your pretty? HMMM? Once we got home you threw yourself on the floor and you were kicking your arms and legs and screaming at the top of your lungs. As I was making your P.B. & J in the kitchen you were in hysterics on the living room floor. I couldn't help but giggle to myself, because I knew this day was coming sooner or later and here it was, plain as day. This my precious girl is your first real TEMPER TANTRUM! I think that's pretty good since you are 18 months and one week! You never cry, ever so today was a rarity! We ate lunch and even through that there were a few sniffles here and there. Thank goodness your heart balloon still has helium from V-day. You held that with one hand and ate your sandwich with the other. The balloon saved the day!! :) You were just exhausted Abby girl. You took a wonderful nap this afternoon and were a true delight tonight.

I love you so much,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a lovely valentine

I've always loved Valentine's Day and loved it more than ever this year. Abigail loved getting cards in the mail throughout the week and she loved her red heart "bawoon" as she calls it that her daddy and I gave her. She got books, a video, stuffed animals, and her first coloring book and crayons. She loves to color and we have done alot of that this weekend.

Yesterday evening we had Robert's dad Jerry over for dinner. We loved having him and Abigail enjoyed eating dinner with her Grandaddy! He babysat her while Robert and I went to the movies, we saw Dear John. What a great flick, loved the Charleston scenery and loved even more the story line. It really brought back memories of Robert and my dating years and some emotions that I had not thought about in a while. We've known each other since kindergarten but did not start dating until 2003. Robert was in the army stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. While we were dating he was deployed once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan and also went through 3 months of Ranger School. During that time we could only talk at the end of each phase which was once a month. I have a collection of Dear Rhonda letters tucked away for Abigail to read years down the road. Telling him goodbye was not a day at the park, it got harder each time. Leaving him at the Norfolk airport for him to go back to Afganistan was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. I will never forget that time in my life, it was not easy but I wouldn't change it for anything. It definitely played a part in shaping the person I am today. Robert and I were both so happy to get home to find precious little Abby snuggled so sweetly in her crib. And to find Grandaddy Jerry relaxing on the couch with his Hershey kisses next to him watching the Olympics. :)

Today we went to church and Abby sat through the entire service, I was so proud of her. She definitely kept everyone around us entertained. Today was communion so Robert sat with her as I went to the alter. As I was half way to the front of the church Abby started crying, then screaming, I was thinking oh no, is she crying because I left. I took communion and couldn't concentrate on my prayers as she was whaling by this time. I got up and walked back to our seat and the closer I got the quieter she got. She never really went through separation anxiety, she's always been content with whoever I was leaving her with. (Thank you Mama, Daddy, Di and Mom for loving her so much.) She was fine once I returned! I think next time I'll just take her with me! :)

We then went to Mom & I.T.'s (my grandparent's) to visit. Abigail loves Mom & "T"!! On our way home we stopped by Chef Todd's for some lunch, Robert had his favorite, a reuben and I had a broiled crab cake sandwich. Abby, you ate a conglomeration of cucumber salad, french fries, grilled cheese, dada's reuben and my crab cake. :) Once we got home Abby went down for a nap as did her dada. :) I went for an afternoon run. It was very cold but it felt so good to run outside.

So...that was our valentine weekend. :) Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

little miss independent!

Abigail is 18mo. old today! I cannot believe it! It's been the best 18mo. of my life thus far. I love you Abigail Jahn Ramsey :)

Abby is becoming very independent these days, but in a way that is breaking my heart alittle bit. She use to climb up in the rocking chair and lay back in my arms so I could read to her. For the past week or so she has been sitting next to me in the rocking chair during book time instead of on my lap. Several times this week she has even patted the floor, as if to say come on down mama, sit with me! She has started holding the books herself from time to time and reading them to me, pointing things out like I do and wanting me to say what they are. It's really cute but just another sure sign that time is marching on!

She must have been feeling like a baby again today because tonight she let me hold her in my arms and read to her like we always have. I was talking to my mom a bit ago and she said Abby let her rock her today before nap time and sing for 10 minutes. That's a very long time for our little wiggle worm. Sounds like she wanted to be cuddled today by her mama and Mimi! I need to hold these moments close to my heart and not let them go because she is growing up before my eyes.

One book we were reading tonight was about musical instruments (it happens to be a Chick Fil A book you get in a kids meal, go figure out of the one hundred books that she has this is a favorite) and when we got to the drum page she wanted to get up. She walked over to her closet and hit the door which is a cue for please mommy open the door. So I did and she pulled out her drum, I loved that she so quickly made the connection. She walked around her room for quite a while banging on her little drum and dancing. She then gave it to me and wanted me to do the I did! She thought it was great and danced around the room to my lovely little drum beat. :)

Really, it's the little things....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I love music!!! And watching American Idol always makes me want to take guitar lessons (or just get my dad to teach me), write a song and try out. I've always dreamed of being on a stage singing in front of thousands of people. :) Music moves me in a way nothing else does. There is truly some amazing talent this year on American Idol, I was impressed tonight at a few of the contestants. I'm looking forward to this season.

So we've had a busy couple of days. Yesterday Abby and I went to Gloucester to run some errands. We went to Hallmark to get my parent's an anniversary card. Well little miss Abby was into everything, taking cards off the shelves, smelling the Yankee candle's (the ladies working were amazed how she was picking each candle up, smelling it and then putting it back) actually I was too. My mom, Abby and I went to the Yankee candle factory before Christmas and of course that's all we did, I guess she remembers that! Anyway, so I thought getting a balloon would help divert her attention. I was right! I had a pink balloon blown up for her and tied it around her wrist. She LOVED it and loved even more showing it to every person she passed. Very thankful for a single pink balloon. :)

We also went to the Wellness Center yesterday and signed Abby up for a swimming class. We'll start them in two weeks and I can't wait. She took them this time last year and I thought it would be a good idea to do them again. Robert and I both went and got in the pool with her last year and as active as she is now we're going to do the same for this session.

I went to the Y and did a 30 minute run and 10 minute stair stepper after work today. My wonderful husband cooked dinner and we ate when I got home. Then I gave Abby a bath and she decided she wanted to dance so I turned on the station that usually has live concerts. She loves Jason Mraz but he wasn't on tonight. It was Julianne Hough and Abby just danced her little heart away, shaking her booty and trying to snap her fingers. She loves it when I dance with her. So we danced and danced and danced! : ) She also loves it when I hold her and twirl her around the living room, so we did just that!! : ) We had so much fun.

We read a few books and off to bed she went! We may be getting a few more inches of snow tomorrow so we'll be sticking close to home. I'll probably have to re-schedule my dentist appointment that I have in the morning. Fine by me, who really wants to go to the dentist anyway. :)

Time to call it a night!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

my little helper

We had another snow day!!! :) :( I love snow, really I do but there is just but so much organizing and cookie baking one can do two weekends in a row! My day started early as I went to the Y before Abigail ever got up. She was eating breakfast when I got home, french toast, strawberries and blueberries! Her daddy made her breakfast. Our morning was pretty low key, we played and made towers and tents out of kitchen chairs and blankets! Abigail loved her tent and we spent a good part of our day under a blanket between two chairs! :)

We ventured out for lunch and ate at this cute little cafe' called Southwind! DELISH! We sat by the front window and enjoyed watching the snow fall. I made a pot of vegetable beef soup for dinner, Robert and I thought it was tasty, Abigail on the other hand not so much!! She dumped her entire plate of soup, broccoli and bread on the table.

Tonight we made cookies, Abigail's favorite part was licking the beater, she LOVED it and was very upset when I took it from her. We let her stay up past her bedtime tonight. When we said let's go night night, to her room she went. She was a tired baby girl.

And so is her mama! Good night!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I just finished telling this story to my dad and I'm so excited to put it in writing! Tonight while Robert and I were watching the nightly news Abigail brought a book to me and wanted to sit on the couch with us and look at it. It was a Little Golden Book, remember those? She has a few of them but I am assuming at tonight's reaction she has never looked at the back cover of the book. She turned it over and I have NEVER seen such pure excitement in one's eyes and motions as I did her in tonight. YES Abigail, all of those characters are in one place. Mickey, Ernie, Bert, Big Bird, Raggedy Ann, and Pink Panther. She was reaching for them like they were going to pick up her up. She was making noises and puckering her lips and doing everything but hyper ventilating. It was absolutely precious! Unfortunately she opened the book to find none of those characters played a part in the story, firetrucks are not so exciting, huh Abby girl! :) So she threw the book and on to bigger and better things, like taking mommy's flowers out of the flower vase!! :)

So we had some snow this past weekend, it was beautiful and we had so much fun playing in it! Abigail is like her mama and dada and is a true snow lover! She cried whenever it was time to go inside and warm up.

So Kelly at Kellyskorner asked about life's simple pleasures. I love this sort of thing so here are a few of mine.

  • Beach days
  • Picking Abigail up out of her crib every morning
  • Summer nights driving with the windows down
  • Popcorn, Goobers & Cherry Coke at the movies
  • The smell of suntan lotion
  • A Nicholas Spark's book
  • Lunch and dinner with friends
  • Easter dress
  • Concerts at VA Beach Amphitheater
  • Laughing with Abigail
  • Watching Hibiscus bloom throughout the summer
  • A new outfit for Robert, Abby or myself :)
  • Putting on a fleece the first cool day of fall
  • Salty skin and hair after swimming in the ocean