Tuesday, September 28, 2010

this evening

was a conglomeration of Abigailism's!! Dinner dumped on the table and floor more than once, a few minutes in time out, tear filled eyes, me saying NO to popsicles and treats, and swimming in the bathtub while pushing herself off from the side of the tub and saying "Abby's doing exercise's" splashing water everywhere making the bathroom floor a lifesize slip and slide! Did someone mention the terrible two's?

Our evening also consisted of cleaning mud, dirt and Clipper's aka "Kippy's" dog hair off the front porch due to the torrential downpours we are having and throwing away our Halloween mat because Clipper chewed a hole in it last night. Okay, why is it that he never touches the everyday mat but constantly chews my holiday mats. I bet I threw out three Christmas mats last year. I still love you Clipper.

So, in other words it was just another tuesday!

"I wanna see mama, I wanna see"

Doesn't everyone put fancy bows in their hair while riding "horsey"

Abby can ride on her knees

She can ride sideways

And we can even ride it the right way!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Prop your feet up why don't you!

It was a busy weekend at the Ramsey household! We had several birthdays in which we celebrated. Today is my dad's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! We love you so much! We enjoyed spending some time with he and mama this evening. Yesterday we went to Shane's birthday party and the children had a ball, especially in the bounce house. Robert had to literally go into the house and get Ab's so we could leave, needless to say she was not a happy camper. I think it was a combination of having to leave and it was way past her nap time. She was the youngest one at the party (besides babyThomas) but she hung right in with the older children. We kept her awake on the way home (but she was fighting it) so we could give her a bath and put her down so that she would be happy and rested for Granddaddy Jerry and Elizabeth. They came over for dinner to celebrate Robert's 33rd birthday. It was a fun evening with little miss showboat Abby (that's what granddaddy calls her) :) as our entertainment!

Today we went to church, attended our class and then preaching. Robert and I dropped Abigail off in the nursery before class and she screamed and cried for what seemed like an eternity. I stood outside of the nursery almost crying myself. She's going through yet another stage of separation anxiety. Mrs. Diane who was in the nursery today said she did great and she was all smiles when we picked her up. Class went well today and I was looking ahead in our book and next week looks like it's going to be a really good session, something I know I need direction in...Discipline. We have such a good group and it's so great sharing ideas and fellowshipping with everyone.

Today was about teaching obedience and different ways to help your child develop to their full potential. Something that really struck a chord with me was when we discussed how obedience is achieved when your child has transferred his or her primary love and dependency from us as parents to Jesus Christ. It is our duty as parents to make sure that our children know what faith is and what it looks like. If we don't model this behavior how can we expect them to do the same. A righteous child makes wise decisions, they keep commitments and they care genuinely for others.
Abby and I visited mom and I.T. for awhile this afternoon. Abby had her run of the house as usual eating popsicles, teddy grahams and her favorite snack ICE. This child loves ice more than anything. I know when I take her to the dentist for the first time he's not going to be pleased with me, it can't be good for her little teeth.

I know ya'll are tired of seeing Abby in her jammies but here are another set of photo's from before bedtime tonight. I promise to take pictures this week of her in real clothes! HA :) This first picture cracks me up! We were sitting in the rocker reading as usual before bed time and Abby got up, laid down on the floor, propped her feet on the ottoman and said "abby read down here"....I just had to grab the camera and capture this shot.
Robert and I were cracking up earlier as we could hear her in the monitor singing up a time. She was singing songs to Layla and happy birthday to Grover and Cookie Monster. We've heard her jibber jabber in the monitor before but never sing songs. It was the cutest thing ever. Love you Abigail. xoxo

We set this tent up in her bedroom and she has been having a ball playing in it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

nightgown nights

Abby loves to lay on our bed and watch a few "toons" as she calls them right before we read books and go to bed. Some nights we'll lay with her and chat and then evenings like tonight I got a few things done. Tonight Abby surprised me by singing her ABC's from beginning to end. She has been singing them with me for awhile but tonight she sang them all by herself, she is just something else. These are a few shots I took right before bedtime. She loves this nightgown that Mimi and Popz gave her. Xoxo

Monday, September 20, 2010

fall is in the air!

I love the change of seasons and am looking so forward to a fall of beautiful falling leaves, brisk days and festivals with parades and funnel cakes! Today was an a.c. off, windows up and ceiling fans on kind of day and I LOVED IT! Abby and I had a fun day as always. Tonight before going to bed we said our prayers for EVERYONE in our family, we seriously prayed for like 30 people! Just when I thought we were done she would name someone else, she cracks me up. Last but not least Abby requested a prayer for Santa and Cookie Monster! :)

Robert and I had a full weekend of wedding festivities. Friday night we the had the rehearsal dinner at the Sandpiper Reef restaurant. It was great catching up with friends, new and old. Saturday Abigail had her first slumber party with Grandaddy, Auntie, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill. I packed her little suitcase and off to Granddaddy's house she went. Robert and I had a wonderful time with our friends at the wedding. Congratulations Curt & Carla! I was really hoping to take more pictures but was too busy catching up with everyone and dancing a jig! We picked Abby up on Sunday morning and she was sooo happy to see us as her daddy and I were more than happy to see her.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a beautiful day

My day started bright and early with Abigail yelling "mama"...so I went in her bedroom to smother her in good morning kisses and gave her a few books to read in her crib. After we say our good mornings she likes ten minutes or so of reading to gather herself and then she's ready to start her day. I made her breakfast, mom came around 7:30 and then I headed to the Y for some exercise. I had an awesome workout this morning and it's always nice to see the usual crowd. We all greet each other when we enter and say good bye before we leave. Sometimes we even have brief conversations, today was one of those days where everyone was chatty!! I came home and took a shower while Abby was watching Sesame Street. I walked into the living room where she was sitting on the floor with my Ipod earphones around her neck, I quickly noticed she had chewed one of the ear pieces. Before I could even get upset she said "Abby a doctor." Well that tickled me to no end, so how could I be upset? She was referring to the earphones as a stethoscope. Where in the world did she learn that? She amazes me everyday!

We picked Robbie up and headed to Newport News to run some errands. As always we had a fun day. No one knows how wonderful it is to have my brother back in my life. So anyway, Robert is a groomsmen in our friend Curt's wedding this weekend so I had quite a few things to do today since it's back to work tomorrow and Friday. I got a pedicure a few weeks ago but didn't get a manicure. Luckily I have a polish that is very close to my toe color so I painted my nails tonight. CHECK! I love pinks for the summer and always go for a burgundy in the fall and winter. By spring I'm always ready for pink again:)! I have my dress, shoes and earrings all ready for Saturday. CHECK! Now everyone is tucked into bed for sweet dreams and I think it's about time for me to do the same. CHECK! ;)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Effective Parenting...

Don't we all want the perfect recipe to raising children? I know I do! Does it exist, I don't think so but we as parents can do everything in our power to learn and grow in God's word. I started a 9 week class today at church that I contemplated as to whether or not I was even going to do but I'm so happy I decided to. Robert was out of town for the weekend so I'm looking forward to him joining me next week. I'll share with you weekly some of what we're learning. Today was about building relationships that bond. In a world of chaos, work, meetings, events, etc.. it is so important to keep a calendar and schedule time for just your family. One thing that really hit a chord with me today was when Chip Ingram said "positive parents build relationships that bond." It is our job as parents to reflect a positive and happy attitude towards our children. I am naturally an upbeat and positive person, it's very rare that I see the dark side of things. No matter the circumstance I find something positive from it. I truly want to pass that on to Abigail because through life's ups and downs that has always helped me stay strong and on the right track. Not to mention my strong faith and relationship with God. Another thing Chip said today was that tension, stress and difficulties are all normal, they are all a part of life. It's how we handle those three words that's so important. Here are a few tips for building strong relationships with our spouse and children.
  • Unconditional love
  • Focused attention

  • Dinner together (I grew up in a family that had dinner together EVERY night so I know first hand how important this is)

  • Ongoing communication

  • Shared experiences

  • Schedule time

  • Have FUN together

  • Eye contact

  • Pray together OFTEN

Postcards from the weekend.


Monday, September 6, 2010

A holiday!

I love holiday weekends and this year I had a two in one. Robert and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend and on sunday we came home and celebrated Labor day with Abigail until tonight. Friday night we went to a concert at the Ntelos Pavillion which is a great venue. It's been years since I have seen some good live music and Lady Antebellum made the wait all the worthwhile. They were amazing and rocked my soul to it's core. Saturday evening we went to dinner at Cocomo's in Deltaville and were able to enjoy some more live music over a romantic dinner. There were two guys from VA Beach playing guitar and singing while we ate, they were funky and jammed some fun summertime music. We enjoyed calamari for an appetizer, scallops, swordfish and to die for chocolate cake for dessert. :)

Miss Abigail went to the Norfolk zoo on saturday with Mimi, Mom and KK. They also managed to swing by Macy's and do some shopping. They had a great time and Abby is still talking about all she saw at the zoo.

Yesterday we went out in the boat with Roland, Leslie, Allie, Thomas, Tasha and Michael on the Cap'n Limbloom. Bunny is very particular about his boat so I felt privledged just to have the opportunity to go out on it. :) We cruised around for hours and had a sunset dinner in Stutt's Creek. We saw Matt Duff and his family, John and Jeb Stephens and Mike Brown. It's always fun to see people out on the water. This morning we spent some time at Grandaddy Jerry's and this evening we had hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill at mama and daddy's. Mom and I.T. joined us and as always it was a nice relaxing time at my parent's house. Mama made a fruit pie and a chocolate cake which was DELICIOUS!!! She is such a wonderful cook!

Happy Labor Day!! xoxo

Michael, Roland, Allie, Robert & Abby swimming off Stowe's Point.

Abby & Popz playing on the trampoline!

Time to call it a day!