Friday, May 28, 2010

The White Dog Inn

Last night Robert and I went to the White Dog Inn and joined my co-workers and their spouse's for an evening out. The food was delicious, the Pinot Grigio was perfect and the atmosphere was fantastic! We sat on the deck and enjoyed the cool breeze's and laughed all night. I truly love the people I work with and for that I am grateful.

Happy Memorial Day weekend! XoXo

Good to the last drop!

One of Abby's favorite snacks is yogurt, I couldn't help but to capture the pure enjoyment she got from snack time on Wednesday afternoon.

Since we had blueberry yogurt in our hair we needed a good bath!

And then we were squeaky clean and ready for bedtime!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Relay for Life

I don't think I've ever mentioned my relay team on my blog. I am on a team called Nan's Earth Angels and we have been raising money doing various fundraisers for the past year. My team consists of an amazing group of ladies who I love dearly. All of it led up to yesterday's relay at the high school.

My reasons to relay this year were for my husband, Tucker and family, Jahn, Grandma Helen, Ellen, John, Grandmother Kitty, and anyone whose life has been stricken with cancer.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is what....

A day of shopping in the burg with no nap can do to a girl. She went shopping with Di and Mom today and had a ball! : ) We put her down earlier without a fight and she was out like a light in minutes.
I want to thank Jean & Jess Hatch for bringing us the most delicious meal last night. We are truly so blessed to have so many caring friends. I went back to work on tuesday which has been an adjustment but we've made out pretty well although we are ALL glad tomorrow is friday!
Okay, I must get back to watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, it's sooooo good!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday happy's

Abigail and I had a great day with the windows up and Sesame Street on! I love days where we can turn on the ceiling fans and instantly there's that perfect breeze whisping through the house.

We "colors" (colored), played with "play dohs" (play doh), drank "orge juice" (orange juice), ate grilled "cheeeeze", and laughed and smiled all day long. We sang the itsy bitsy spider at least 2 dozen times today complete with hand motions...everytime we finished I would hear this little voice whisper "GHEN" "GHEN" (again)! We cuddled on our "beed" (bed) tonight before bedtime and listened to some "musssicccc" and waited for Da da to come into the room so we could hide under the covers. Abby goes into hysterics when she hears Robert coming, she laughs uncontrollably because she knows he's coming to "get her"!!!! The tickle monster strikes again!

Nighty night..... :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday lunch at Grandaddy's

Another weekend has passed and a new week awaits us. After being off all of last week we are ready to get back to our routine and very ready for me to start physical therapy tomorrow. I will do that 3 times a week for 4 weeks. I'm getting around better everyday but I still have a ways to go.

We had a good weekend sticking close to home. Friday evening Michael, Tasha and Stace came over for awhile. We enjoyed seeing them. Saturday was my first morning home with Abby by myself. We made out fine, Abby was patient with me and we had a fun morning together. Plus Robert had our breakfast ready, we just had to heat it up and he even made her sandwich for lunch. What a good daddy and husband. We played outside, had lunch on the porch and I chased her around the yard a few times on crutch's mind you. She would look at me with the "betcha can't catch me" look and then start running. Precious girl! :) Saturday evening Necie made us the most delicious crab muffins for dinner, what a treat!

We enjoyed a nice lunch on the porch at Jerry's today, it was such a pretty day although a little chilly in the shade but perfect in the sun. Abby had so much fun playing with her kitchen set, swinging and going down to the water. It sounds like Grandaddy is going to put a "slide for life" on the water this summer, doesn't that sound like so much fun! Oh yeah, and Abby will love it too. HA :) This afternoon we came home, Abby and I rested and Robert went for a run around Pine Hall.
I hope you all have a great week. Wish us luck! :) Xoxo

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's Complicated

with Meryl Streep (I just love her), Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. I totally wish I had seen that in the theater with Mama & Sharon. Robert and I just watched it and we laughed and laughed. If you haven't seen it it's definitely worth checking out. Just a fun mindless movie! :)

Good night!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Upside down and inside out

Okay, so our home is not a fraternity house complete with frat brothers like the one in the 1978 flick Animal House but it is complete with a swollen knee mama, a flu bug daddy and an Abby who is so very confused! Yes, our very own ANIMAL HOUSE!

I'm coming along but am a far cry from being able to take care of my family the way I want to. So, while I'm getting this knee back in shape my mother, aunt's and grandmother have taken over and are doing what needs to be done. It's certainly not easy watching them clean, prepare meals and essentially do everything that needs to be done to keep this household going but it's what has to happen right now and I'm trying to be okay with it.

Robert called me on his way home from work this afternoon and said he didn't feel well. Bless his heart he came home and took his temperature, 101.5. So, in the bed he went and has been all night. Abby has been so upset to not have her da da time. She kept going to our bedroom and tried getting in the bed with him and cried off and on all night just asking for her da da. And in between cries for him she would look at me with those big brown eyes and say "Ma Ma knee"...I think she is way beyond confused. Our little life was such a routine before my knee injury and now tonight Robert is sick, my knee has been throbbing all afternoon and all little miss Abby wants is for her mommy and da da to play with her. We listened to some music before bedtime and Abby got her dancing in so she was very happy about that. She even slow danced with Mr. Frog (stuffed animal) and that was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I am very grateful for the church ladies who brought our dinner tonight and for my parent's who bathed Abby and rocked her before bed time.

I never thought I would say this but I think my skiing days are over for a while...bye bye K2's, see you in my next life. : ) I think my future role on the slopes is going to be the ski bunny mom who hands out hot chocolate to the children and husband HA :)!

Nighty night, don't let the bedbugs bite.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all of you mother's out there have a wonderfully beautiful day. Even if you are not a mom I'm sure you are a motherly figure to someone in your life. Blessings to you all.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 3!

I am so very grateful for my wonderful family and friends, what would I do without thee! Catelyn just left and brought a wonderful dinner complete with brownies for dessert, she's such a sweetheart. Elaine came by yesterday and visited and brought me my favorite chocolates, love her. My friend Karen got the flu last night so her husband Rob dropped by earlier and brought a chicken casserole that looks delicious and a homemade chocolate chess pie. I love chocolate and the people closest to me know that. :) My mom, dad, and grandmother have been in and out for the past few days. Stace and Jed have been a huge help with Abigail. I got beautiful flowers from my husband and Les(thanks Les, your bouquet is gorgeous). Also Grandmama brought me a few vases of roses from her house, there on our kitchen table and are just beautiful. Not to mention the many phone calls and meals that are already set up for the week. I truly am so thankful for all of these people in my life. I have the BEST doc in town, MY HUSBAND! He has been amazing, he even held the trash can for me this morning as I was getting sick from the pain medication and unfortunately I got his foot, we've joked about that all day :). I'm usually a good shot, I think he moved the can, it certainly wasn't me, ofcourse not!! HA! All in all I've been getting some good rest and will hopefully continue to improve daily. Tomorrow is a big day as we get to take the dressings off of my leg and I can shower, WOO HOO! My hair is starting to get a bit nappy!

Abby has been wonderful just being her cute loving self. She's kissed my leg a thousand times and has showered me with more love and hugs than you can imagine. Not because she is mine but she is one amazing little girl.

I can't believe I am putting this picture of me out there for all of you to see but with this blog you get the good, the bad and the ugly! HA! This is after three days of no showering, no makeup and nappy hair in a bun!
I hope you all are doing well! Happy Saturday evening :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

what does one do

the day before surgery....obviously we put on our tutu and color pretty pictures. :) and we clean like crazy women and make sure the lawn is mowed (thanks robert) and the flowers are watered!! and the kitchen floor is mopped and so on and so forth. we order invitations for a baby shower, we finish mother's day shopping, we go to the post office, we cook hamburgers on the grill and saute' asparagus... but most importantly we sit on the front porch and share a bowl of vanilla ice cream with hershey's chocolate syrup!

i'm having ACL and possible meniscus surgery at 8am tomorrow morning. say a little prayer for me, it's the doing what I'm supposed to do afterwards that i already know i'm going to struggle with. what's that song, you can't keep a good man down...i'm changing the lyrics to "you can't keep a good WOMAN down" ha ha!! i must do what the doctor says so that i can put this ACL injury to rest, FOREVER! :) i'll keep you updated!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Oh the memories we share, we've been side by side for as long as I can remember. Thank you for ALWAYS beng such a wonderful friend, I don't know what I would do without you.