Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Smooth sailing through life in the fast lane

It's been a busy couple of weeks for us and I'm happy to catch you up on the recent happenings. First and foremost I want to CONGRATULATE Stace and Ricky on their precious new bundle of joy. Michael Alexander was born at 5:36p.m. on August 23rd weighing 7lbs.6oz and 21 1/4 in. long. He is beautiful and perfect in every way and a true blessing. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of him yet as I was busy helping with the delivery! HAHA! I do have a few shots from the day and will definitely have some of him tomorrow!

Mom, Necie, KK and Di waiting patiently for baby Wiatt's arrival! I love that KK was painting her toenails, too fun!

I couldn't help but capture this shot, the cord on the phone broke and we got alittle chuckle out of it! It was a brief distraction from the labor pains that were minutes apart at this point. A Friday evening sunset over Godfrey Bay.Celebrating Nick's 2nd birthday, Abby was having a time getting situated! :)

Abby and Nick taking a break from the party :)

Abby waiting for Amy and Stevie to pick her up for her first trip to Great Wolf Lodge. Amy & Stevie took her and met up with Brandon, Lindsay, Lowry Kay and Carolyn. Lindsay also gave her a flower girl book that day that we have read no less than a thousand times. She is so excited about being the flower girl in their wedding. I think she's going to be a precious one if I do dare say so myself! :)

We went to Busch Gardens on Sunday and Robert & Rob were dressed alike. They ended up wearing the same shirt and simliar plaid shorts, too funny!

Nighty night....don't let the bedbugs bite :) xoxo

Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday Bash~

Kevin & Abby!

Les & I with our girls!

Abby & Mckenzie loving on each other, too cute for words!

Margaret and Thomas

Abby and her cousin Thomas just as cute as can be!

Abby reading her new book to everyone.
She was about to open her very first Barbie. Thanks Dike & Tash!

Daddy & Abigail (My goodness she loves her POPZ)

Precious children

Pose Karen :)

Mer, Anna, & Laurie


The beautiful lopsided cake!

Mama, Daddy, I.T. and the Junker family

Robert blessing the food.

Party favors

We had a WONDERFUL time celebrating Abigail's 2nd birthday with family and friends. It was the perfect day with a nice breeze blowing across the bay, good food, island music and just plain good old fun. We had everyone bring gifts for the play center in the children's oncology unit at MCV hospital, all in memory of Tucker Armstrong. Les was able to take a car load of wonderful gifts that she, Scott and Mckenzie will deliver to the hospital. Thank you to all who contributed.

It was perfect day with the exception of the cake. I almost hyper ventilated when I walked into Jerry's house and mama was frantically looking for spatula's! Daddy and Robbie picked up the cake from Mrs. Nancy's and put it on the back seat of daddy's truck...hmmm!!! Oh me boys!! YES, the cake FELL.. Nonetheless it was beautiful, slightly lopsided but pretty and sooo delicious. I was able to chuckle about it believe it or not. A year ago I would have lost my marbles but my perspective has changed on alot things.....ok just thinking about it is making me anxious again. HA!!! So maybe not! :)

Thanks Robbie for being my personal photographer for the day. Every picture was great, your the best! Love you bro.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dear Beautiful Girl,

I cannot believe you are 2 years old today! The past two years have been truly amazing and watching you grow into the precious little girl you are today has been nothing but true joy for me and our entire family. You are a blessing and a gift from God. I love your sweet smile and it fills my life with pure happiness.

We had a wonderful morning at Hallieford beach with Jen and Chase. You are truly a beach baby and you really know how to push my every button. The more I chased you the faster you swam away from me and then you would look back with that adorable little smile as if to day "betcha can't catch me" Jen and I giggled at you more than once.

You took a wonderful nap and then we had some visitors before going to dinner at the Seabreeze. You ate shrimp and french fries and enjoyed every bite in between waving to everyone and saying "hi guys"...you are so full of yourself! :)

You really seem to love your new bike and I cannot wait to help you learn to ride it, I'm sure it won't take long!

We are looking forward to your party on Saturday and celebrating with all of our friends and family.

Keep smiling precious one and always know how much I love and adore you.

Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Mama xoxo

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

~Our week at the beach~

My family has been taking a weekly trip to the beach since I was born. As always we had such a great time. We went to the beach, ate out, cooked in, went for several ice cream runs to Dairy Queen and Logan's and did quite a bit of relaxing. Most days as Abby was taking her afternoon nap I would lay in the hammock on the second floor porch and read. I will pocket that little piece of bliss and save it until next summer. Our evenings were filled with bowling on the Wii, I think we would all agree it's time to hit Village Lanes. I cannot wait for our beach trip next year as baby Wiatt will be with us! Abigail is a girl after my own heart, a true lover of the beach and ocean. She is fearless of the waves and a real beach girl! A co-worker of my mom's always called me "beach girl" as I was growing up and I am now passing that on to Miss Abby, my own little "beach girl".
Nothing like a good read!
Abby loved giving Uncle Robbie a sand bath!

Robert and I before going out to dinner.Abigail and Layla were kitty cat's all week, although Abby didn't have her whisker's in this picture. Abby was Bella and Layla was Itty Bitty, we laughed so hard at them. Cutest little kitty's I've ever seen!! :)

Mom is such a good sport! :)

Mom and Abby at the Lone Cedar gift shop.
We went to the North Carolina Aquarium on Friday morning and Abby loved it. We gave her pacifier's to the sharks so they can give them to their babies. Abby is a big girl now and doesn't need them. She has done so well with it which makes me one proud MAMA! Breakfast at the Nags Head fishing pier. CHEESE! Robert and Abby playing in the water.

My favorite picture! 4 GENERATIONS Me, Mom, Abigail and Mama. I could not be more proud to stand next to these two beautiful amazing women.


Robert made Abby and Layla into MERMAIDS!

I love these two more than anything!!

My bro Robbie and Layla

Our friends John and Nikki were in town for the weekend. They came over on Sunday afterwe got back from the beach, this is their little boy Sye. He and Abby had a ball playing together. She had a hard time giving up his toys, a pig and a purple car that Nick had given him. We are learning to share but it's a very difficult task at this age! : ) Sye was 2 in June and Abby will be 2 next week. Where has the time gone?!