Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A day of funs!

We started our day at swim class which Abby really loves. I think her favorite part was riding in the boat with Callie at the end of class singing "row row row your boat"...I really wish I had my camera today because they were too cute girls sitting side by side!

Abby and I then went to mom and I.T.'s and visited with I.T. for about an hour. Then we met Rob, Jess and Stace for lunch at Linda's. Abby did really well until the last 15 minutes or so and then she became somewhat restless. She loves her uncle Robbie so he kept her entertained. We came home and she went right down for her nap. Mom came over so I went to the Y and did some exercising which was wonderful, I have not been in a few weeks so it felt good to sweat! :)

The Walden clan is in Nags Head this week so Laurie told us to go over and pick some vegetables from their garden while they were gone. So after dinner we went over there and got quite a few tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe. I'm thinking we'll have BLT's again tomorrow night. I have not had a fresh cantaloupe all summer so I'm looking forward to a slice of that with a dash of salt!! SUMMERTIME GOODNESS.

Hope you all had a wonderful day!

night night~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

it's a beautiful day

Abby has gone with me several times to get my haircut or highlighted and always loves it. Mainly because there are so many fun toys to play with at Island Beauty!! HA! Today she went with Di to get her haircut so this was evening that's all she wanted to do. She said "mama, cut your hair" It was adorable, she would get behind me and pretend to be cutting away. She has the cutest little accent and it tickles me to know end hearing her pronounce certain words. I also love to hear her say "clap your hands"'s too cute for words.

Congratulations to our dear friends Mer and Chris. They are having a BOY!!! Baby boy #2. I cannot wait to meet baby Robertson, Nick will be such a great big brother :) Love you Mer!

Time to call it day! Nighty night! :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

The week before vacation

We leave next sunday for our annual beach trip with my family including, my mom, brother, niece, grandmother, aunt's, and cousin's. I can't wait for our week at the beach but I woke up this morning thinking of all I want and need to do this week to get ready. I need to make a Sam's club list, plan meal's for a few nights, and think about what clothes I'm going to take. Robert suprised me with a pedicure certificate today so I hope to find time to do that as well before we leave!!

Little blessings of today~!
  • My grandfather had a heart procedure today to try and regulate his heart beat and the doctor's feel very positive about the results. His heart is beating in a regular rhythm now and we are in hopes he will be feeling more like himself in the coming days.
  • Abby had swim lessons and did really well. She kicks her little legs and blows bubbles like a little fish, it brings me great joy to see her in the water.
  • Spent some time at the park with Leslie, Allie, Thomas, Catelyn and Callie. The girl's enjoyed snacks and played while us mommy's were able to spend some time together.
  • We had our first fresh tomatoes of the summer for dinner. We made BLT's and boy were they delicious!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

a day for the books

Today counts as one of those days you just always remember. Mama, Abby, Robbie and I went to Newport News. We went to the party store and got a few things for Abby's birthday party. Abby loves the party store, there were hats for her to try on, flags to wave, hula hoops to try out and the list goes on!! :) We also ran into one of Ron's old flames...that's always interesting!

Then we headed to the mall....mama shopped, Robbie got his haircut, and Abby & I browsed as we had to keep on the move, she is not an idle kind of girl. I got stopped by one of those people sitting at a kiosk, that tends to happen to me from time to time. It's usually the fingernail buffer people but today it was surprisingly a very handsome man selling hair straightener's. He had an accent and beautiful eyes, I love you ROBERT! :) He was probably thinking, poor girl needs some moisture in that doo. Anyhoo, I told him I had to keep moving because of Abby but before I knew it he had me sitting down and was going to town on my hair. The straightener was amazing but I didn't get one.

We then stopped by Sam's club so mama could pick up a few things. Rob, Abby and I drove around because remember A doesn't like to sit still. I told Rob we would just "make a few laps" and he said to make sure I tip if we pass someone we know! We laughed pretty hard at that one! For those of you who grew up in Mathews you get it.

It was just a wednesday but a definitely a wednesday for the books.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Grilled cheese please

You are 23 months old Abby Jahn and I truly cannot believe it! One month from yesterday you will be 2 years old. You are talking up a time these days. I am amazed almost daily how well you connect the dots and how you don't forget a thing. You mentioned Nick today several times and even said "Nick, kiss" He's a cutie but there's plenty of time for that! HA :)

We both had a grilled cheese for lunch and I think it's safe to say we enjoyed every bite. Watching you eat today brought me pure joy since the past three days your appetite has been almost non-existent.

I love you precious girl! More than Hershey Kisses! :)


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lightening bugs light up my life

I love the mere sight of them!! I cannot wait until Abby is old enough to run around with mason jars catching them. I'll be right behind her catching my own! They light up our yard this time of the year and are a constant reminder of summertime and happiness!

Abby was under the weather this weekend but seems to be feeling more like herself this evening. Poor little monkey has felt pretty cruddy!

Saturday morning I had breakfast at Linda's Diner with my very dear friend Elaine. No matter the time nor distance that divides our friendship, we always pick right up where we left off like we never skipped a beat. Approximately fifteen years ago she and I cleaned the same table we sat at saturday morning more than once...I treasure those memories of waiting tables at the diner and love that I share them with her. I love our friendship and I cannot wait to meet her precious baby who will enter this world some time around Nov. 21st.

Saturday afternoon Robert and I had a date!! We went car shopping, browsed through Lowe's and then of course Ollie's!! It was nice being with him as it seems our time together lately has been few and far between.

My parent's, Robbie and Layla came over for a steak dinner on saturday evening. We enjoyed their company and Abby LOVED playing with Layla.

Today we celebrated Thomas Foster's baptism. Robert and Abby stayed home as she still wasn't 100%, we didn't want to over do it. Plus there was a lunch afterwards that was outside and it was pretty hot today so we felt it was best that she stay in one more day.

Tomorrow we start swim classes at Horn Harbor Marina and I am so excited. I hope my girl loves it as much as I think she will!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

G'night! Don't let the bedbugs bite!

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July old fashion fun~

Busch Gardens with Mer, Chris & Nick on Saturday!

Abby and my first ride together! We loved the airplane's!!

Abby and Nick riding the Clydesdale's

Robert, Abby, Chris & Nick

It was about time to call it a day!

Abby and Nick were not fans of the fireworks..they said they were "LOUD"...cute babes :)

Landon and Layla spent some time with us on Sunday, HAPPY 4th!

All three of them had fun on the slip and slide!

Robert, Abby and I packed up some chairs, beverages and headed down the road to Karen's grandmother's house to watch the fireworks!

We had a delicious breakfast this morning prepared by granddaddy Jerry. We had eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese grits (they are the best around), biscuits and fruit!

A cupcake at 10a.m.!!! Why not!

Cousin Bill arrived ready for the day!! HA HA HA!! He always makes us laugh! :)