Monday, May 23, 2011

A weekend away....

So we packed up the car and headed to Richmond last weekend with some great friends. We met Carol (Aunt KK) in Gloucester and Abigail spent the day with her and then spent the night at Mom & I.T.'s. We then headed to Richmond to shop, had a "lite" ; ) lunch, and shopped some more. We went to a store called Home Goods and I I had never been there before, LOVE IT!!! It's alot like T.J. Maxx & Marshall's but seemed more organized. We stayed at Rob's parents house and it was so nice of them to let us spend the weekend there. It was very homey, cozy and they had everything ready for us. There was a vase of pretty little flowers in our bedroom, lots of delicious snacks, and we even had a car pick us up and drive us to dinner. We ended our weekend with brunch at the Jefferson Hotel, simply gorgeous and delicious food. Happy 10 years Karen and Rob.

We had a wonderful visit with my dear friend Lindsay yesterday afternoon, it's always great to see her and catch up. I loved to hear Abigail call her "Linds" cute.

Today is what I am calling "re-group" day. I had an excellent work out this morning and worked over time to burn the 20,000 calories I took in this past weekend. Lots of laundry to catch up on, cleaning and grocery shopping before heading back to STATE FARM tomorrow!


  1. I LOVE Home Goods! It's actually owned by TJ Maxx, it's our favorite! Sounds like a fabulous weekend, glad yall had fun!!

  2. Thanks for such a fun weekend!! :) Love you guys!!!
